Thursday, August 6, 2009

I ❤ my family

To mum~
Happy birthday to my sweet sweet mum,miss you so a day,i feel lucky and pround to be your daughter,thanks for giving us everything,and dont always worry about us...i will be find dont worry...ok?i feel sorry had say out i hate you before...i feel so regret....i m so sorry that had make you sad and worry...hurting your heart...and i will never do that in your daughter...will love you and beside you...thanks for giving this careful family to me...this is the one i have to thanks to god...
To daddy~
Also happy birthday,your birthday is on yesterday...and i miss you alot...although you less contact and talk phone with me,i also will miss you~XDyesterday when i phone you,i feel so miss you and nearly to cry out...on your birthday still working so heart so anguished,working so hard to our are my angel daddy...thanks for giving us this warm family...i know you always take care about using your heart...u are the best daddy i didt always try to give anything that we want to...Thank you daddy~
To my small little brother~
The smaller one in our family~i miss your chubby smile....a naughter boy in our family...i will start to worry about him....always play game never revision in home...make my lovely mum worry...but i tell my mum this is normal...he will wake up on the time...hahaha...cause i have been like this last time...yesterday night i dream that my brother say he got gf again...hahaha...its make me laugh...i hope my brother will be guai guai in KTJ~haizzz...worry nia
To my helpful sister~
P.s~only sometimes helpful o...haiz...i didt feel miss you cause we always talking in phone...but also miss abit la~hahaha...i will worry abit only...cause u still in sorry to say that...haiz...i so scare that u will like last time with friend and though friend or other thing is important that family...i think i should give more effort and attention on you...give my heart on you and my work now...i m worry in you...hahaha...and love you too...i will and i m always the one beside you...
many years after i just realise my family damn important to me then everything....nowadays i do every thing i will and i always thinking my family first...they are really important!we are always together!my lovely warmful family~


  1. yup~
    give me,
    my family is the most important too...
    muz oways take good care of urself...
    dun make them worried^^

  2. miss aso...but my family more~~
